Saturday, March 8, 2008

Lowongan CPNS BSN Tahun 2007


Badan Standardisasi Nasional sebagai Lembaga Pemerintah Non Departemen (LPND), yang mempunyai tugas di bidang Standardisasi pada Tahun 2007 memberi kesempatan kepada putra-putri terbaik bangsa untuk menjadi pegawai BSN melalui Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Golongan III dan II Tahun 2007 dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:

Formasi :

Formasi yang tersedia sebanyak 17 CPNS pelamar umum dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

Tingkat pendidikan
Lowongan jabatan
Program studi/jurusan

Perencang peraturan perundang-undangan
Hukum Perdata

Penghubung lembaga negara, pemerintah dan non pemerintah

Pelaksana penanganan penerapan dan pengaduan standar sukarela
Teknik Kimia

Penyiap program akreditasi, surveilan, dan akreditasi ulang LSSML, LS ecolabel dan LS PHPL
Teknik Lingkungan

Pelaksana penyusunan dan pelaksana program dan administrasi penelitian
Ekonomi Manajemen

Pelaksana evaluasi dan diseminasi hasil penelitian
Teknik Industri

Pelaksana kerjasama penelitian dan forum ilmiah
Pertanian jurusan Sosial Ekonomi

Pengelola kegiatan bidang Mekanika, Elektronika dan Konstruksi untuk perumusan SNI (TAS, e-baloting, PNPS)

Teknik Sipil

Pengelola kegiatan bidang Mekanika, Elektronika dan Konstruksi untuk kegiatan panitia teknis (TAS, e-balloting, PNPS)

Teknik Mesin

Pengelola jaringan komputer, web, SISNI
Teknik Informatika atau Teknik Mesin

Auditor Pertama
Ekonomi Manajemen atau Akuntansi

Pengelola dokumentasi dan informasi hukum
Manajemen Informatika

Penyusun bahan organisasi dan tata laksana
Ekonomi Manajemen atau Adm. Negara

Pemroses mutasi kepegawaian
Ekonomi Manajemen atau Adm. Negara

Pengelola kegiatan bidang Kimia dan Pertambangan untuk kegiatan perumusan SNI (TAS, e-baloting, PNPS)

Ketentuan Melamar

Warga Negara Indonesia

Tingkat Pendidikan


lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta berakreditasi A dengan IPK > 2,75

lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta berakreditasi B dengan IPK > 3,00

Diploma III

lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta berakreditasi A dengan IPK > 2,75

lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta berakreditasi B dengan IPK > 3,00

Menguasai bahasa Inggris, baik lisan maupun tulisan, mempunyai TOEFL 450 untuk S1 dan 400 untuk Diploma III.

Dapat mengoperasionalkan komputer.


Minimum 18 tahun dan maksimum 28 tahun pada tanggal 1 Januari 2008 untuk Sarjana S1

b Minimum 18 tahun dan maksimum 25 tahun pada tanggal 1 Januari 2008 untuk Diploma III

Memiliki Kartu Pencari Kerja (Kartu Kuning) yang dikeluarkan oleh Dinas Tenaga Kerja (dilengkapi pada waktu dinyatakan diterima sebagai CPNS BSN)

Berbadan sehat, dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Sehat Jasmani dan rohani dibuat oleh dokter.

Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak hormat sebagai pegawai baik sebagai pegawai negeri maupun pegawai swasta.

Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS/PNS/Calon Anggota TNI/Calon anggota POLRI serta anggota TNI/Anggota POLRI

Ketentuan Pendaftaran

Penerimaan Surat Lamaran

a. Pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 22 Oktober s.d 9 November 2007 (cap pos)

Panitia tidak menerima surat lamaran yang diantar langsung

Surat lamaran ditulis tangan dengan tinta hitam dan ditandatangani sendiri oleh pelamar, serta menyertakan amplop kosong balasan berprangko kilat beralamat pelamar yang bersangkutan dengan dilampiri 2 rangkap formulir sesuai contoh dalam pengumuman website BSN.

Dalam surat lamaran harus menyebutkan jabatan yang akan dilamar

Surat lamaran disampaikan melalui Kantor Pos, ditujukan kepada:






Surat lamaran dan formulir dilengkapi dengan:

Pas foto terbaru (berwarna) ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 4 lembar (cantumkan nama di belakang foto).

Foto kopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku sampai dengan Pebruari 2008

Surat keterangan sehat (asli) dari dokter pemerintah (PUSKESMAS/RSU) tertanggal setelah 22 Oktober 2007

Daftar Riwayat Hidup (CV)

Surat Ketrerangan Catatan Kepolisain (SKCK) yang masih berlaku

Foto kopi ijazah Sarjana (S-1)/Diploma III (D-III) berikut transkrip yang sudah dilegalisir oleh Dekan/Ketua Sekolah Tinggi bagi Sarjana/Diploma III (surat keterangan Lulus Sarjana/Diploma dan ijazah sementara tidak dapat diterima)

Foto kopi Nilai TOEFL yang masih berlaku sampai dengan Januari 2008

Surat lamaran dan formulir beserta lampiran disusun rapi dan disatukan dengan penjepit sesuai urutan ketentuan butir 2 dalam map:

warna biru untuk Sarjana S1

warna kuning untuk Diploma III

dimasukkan ke dalam amplop warna coklat ukuran folio

dan diberi tulisan “Berkas Lamaran CPNS BSN Tahun 2007″. Dengan menyebutkan lowongan jabatan yang diminati pada sudut kiri amplop lamaran.

D. Tahapan dan jadwal seleksi

Seleksi dilakukan secara bertahap dengan sistem gugur sebagai berikut:

Seleksi administrasi (pemeriksaan kesesuaian kualifikasi pendidikan dan kelengkapan berkas sesuai persyaratan). Bagi peserta yang dinyatakan memenuhi persyaratan seleksi administrasi berhak mengikuti ujian tertulis dan akan dipanggil melalui website BSN untuk mengambil Nomor Kartu Tanda Peserta Ujian.

Seleksi Tertulis, terdiri dari:

Test Pengetahuan Umum (TPU)

Test Bakat Skolastik (TBS)


Tes Psikologi

Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi dan Lokasi Ujian

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi seluruh ketentuan (Butir B dan C) yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti ujian.

Apabila jumlah peserta yang memenuhi ketentuan melebihi jumlah peserta ujian yang ditentukan. Panitia memberlakukan sistem ranking berdasarkan nilai IPK bagi sarjana /Diploma III.

Nama peserta ujian, tanggal dan lokasi ujian dan panggilan mengikuti ujian akan diumumkan melalui website BSN

Tanda peserta seleksi diambil sendiri oleh peserta dikantor BSN.

Pelaksanaan ujian tertulis hari Sabtu tanggal 17 November 2007

Nama peserta yang lulus tiap tahapan ujian akan diumumkan melalui website BSN.


Seleksi masuk Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil BSN tidak dipungut biaya apapun.

Surat lamaran yang dikirim kepada BSN sebelum pengumuman ini tidak berlaku (lihat butir C.1a)

Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus menjadi CPNS BSN wajib menyerahkan Surat Keterangan Bebas Pemakaian Narkoba dari dokter kepada Panitia waktu pemberkasan.

Website BSN:

Nomor telepon Panitia (021) 574 7043 pesawat 107 (hari kerja 09.00 - 15.00 WIB)

Jakarta, 22 Oktober 2007

Kepala Biro Hukum, Organisasi, dan

Humas BSN,


Ir. Mangasa Ritonga, MM


Lowongan CPNS Badan POM RI Tahun 2007


Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor B/2147/M.PAN/9/2007 tentang Persetujuan Prinsip Tambahan PNS Tahun 2007 dan Peraturan Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Negara Nomor 30 Tahun 2007 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil, diumumkan sebagai berikut :

Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan RI membuka pendaftaran Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil untuk mengisi lowongan formasi Badan POM RI Tahun 2007 untuk ditempatkan pada Badan POM RI Pusat dan Balai Besar/Balai POM di seluruh Indonesia (daftar formasi terlampir).

Persyaratan pelamar meliputi :

Warga Negara Republik Indonesia
Berusia paling rendah 18 tahun dan paling tinggi 35 tahun per tanggal 1 Oktober 2007 dengan ketentuan :
Pendidikan D3 dan SMK/STM Elektro paling tinggi 24 tahun.
Pendidikan S1 paling tinggi 26 tahun.
Pendidikan Profesi dan S2 paling tinggi 28 tahun.
Kecuali bagi pelamar yang sampai dengan saat ini sudah dan masih bekerja di lingkungan Badan POM RI sekurang-kurangnya 1,5 tahun.

Bagi pelamar yang memiliki pengalaman kerja terakhir sekurang-kurangnya 1,5 tahun pada bidang yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Badan POM RI, batas usia paling tinggi 35 tahun.

Pelamar diharuskan memiliki Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) :
Pendidikan D3 terakreditasi minimal 2,75.
Pendidikan S1 terakreditasi minimal 2,75 (Pendidikan Profesi dilihat IPK S1).
Pendidikan S2 terakreditasi minimal 3,25.
kecuali bagi pelamar yang sampai dengan saat ini sudah dan masih bekerja di lingkungan Badan POM RI sekurang-kurangnya 1,5 tahun.

Memenuhi persyaratan kualifikasi pendidikan yang dibutuhkan.
Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS/PNS maupun Calon/Anggota TNI dan POLRI.
Tidak berkedudukan sebagai pengurus dan atau anggota partai politik.

Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai CPNS/PNS/TNI/POLRI atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta.
Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum.
Berkelakuan baik dan sehat jasmani maupun rohani.

Ketentuan pengajuan lamaran :

Surat lamaran harus ditulis tangan dan ditanda tangani sendiri oleh pelamar dengan menggunakan tinta hitam serta mencantumkan jabatan yang diminati dan 2 (dua) lokasi peminatan sebagaimana tercantum dalam tabel formasi. Misal : Jabatan :
Pengawas Sarana Distribusi Terapetik
Pendidikan : Apoteker : Daerah penempatan :
Badan POM RI Pusat dan BBPOM di Palembang

Lamaran ditujukan kepada :

*Fotocopy ijazah/STTB/Surat Keterangan Lulus yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang.
*Fotocopy transkrip nilai akademik yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang.
*Daftar Riwayat Hidup Singkat yang berisi nama, tempat dan tanggal lahir, alamat, nomor telepon/HP, jenis kelamin, agama, tinggi badan, pendidikan formal/non formal, pengalaman kerja dan prestasi yang pernah dicapai, serta nama dan alamat tempat tinggal orang tua.
*Pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran (3 x 4) cm dan ukuran (4 x 6) cm masing-masing sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar.
*Memperlihatkan asli KTP dan Kartu Keluarga pelamar dimana nama dirinya tercantum.
*Surat lamaran beserta lampirannya diurutkan, disusun rapi, dan dimasukkan ke dalam stofmap folio tebal (kertas buffalo) berwarna :
Merah:Pelamar S2 dan Profesi
Kuning:Pelamar S1
Hijau:Pelamar D3
Biru:Pelamar SMK/STM Elektro

*Pada sudut kanan atas stofmap ditulis dengan jelas jabatan yang dilamar dan pendidikan pelamar.
*Ijazah Sementara atau Surat Keterangan Lulus berlaku, dengan catatan fotocopy ijazah asli yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang diserahkan selambat-lambatnya pada hari terakhir wawancara (tanggal 13 November 2007). Apabila tidak dilakukan pelamar dinyatakan gugur.

Tahapan dan pelaksanaan seleksi :

Seleksi Administrasi :

Pendaftaran dilaksanakan di Badan POM RI, Balai Besar/Balai POM di seluruh Indonesia, kecuali Balai Besar POM di Jakarta disatukan dengan Badan POM RI.

Pendaftaran dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa dan Rabu tanggal 9 dan 10 Oktober 2007 pukul 09.00 s/d 14.00 waktu setempat, dan dapat diperpanjang 1 (satu) hari apabila jumlah pelamar belum memenuhi kuota.

Setiap pelamar harus datang sendiri ke tempat pendaftaran (tidak diwakilkan).

Ujian tulis :

Ujian tulis dilaksanakan serentak di Badan POM RI, Balai Besar POM dan Balai POM di seluruh Indonesia pada hari Kamis tanggal 25 Oktober 2007 pukul 08.00 waktu setempat.

Materi ujian tulis adalah :

Tes Kompetensi Dasar (TKD) terdiri dari :
Tes Pengetahuan Umum (TPU) meliputi unsur wawasan nasional, regional, dan internasional.
Tes Bakat Skolastik (TBS) meliputi unsur kemampuan verbal, kuantitatif, dan penalaran.
Tes Skala Kematangan (TSK) meliputi unsur kemampuan beradaptasi, pengendalian diri, semangat berprestasi, integritas, dan inisiatif.
Tes Kompetensi Bidang (TKB) untuk mengukur kemampuan dan atau ketrampilan yang berkaitan dengan kompetensi jabatan atau pekerjaan yang dilamar.

Setiap mengikuti ujian seleksi, pelamar wajib membawa Asli Tanda Peserta Seleksi, pensil 2B asli, karet penghapus, rautan, dan papan alas tulis.

Wawancara :
Wawancara akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 12 s/d 13 November 2007 di Badan POM RI serta seluruh Balai Besar POM/Balai POM, kecuali Balai Besar POM di Jakarta yang dilaksanakan menyatu di Badan POM RI.

Peserta wawancara wajib menyerahkan hasil Psikotes (bagi pelamar yang telah dinyatakan lulus ujian tulis) dan harus diserahkan selambat-lambatnya tanggal 13 November 2007.

Psikotes dapat dilakukan oleh psikolog yang telah mendapat Surat Rekomendasi Ijin Praktek (SRIP) dari Himpunan Psikolog Indonesia (HIMPSI). Hasil psikotes dalam bentuk psikogram dengan analisanya sesuai contoh psikogram terlampir dan harus mencantumkan Nomor SRIP.

Pengumuman hasil seleksi :

Pelamar yang lulus ujian tulis dan wajib mengikuti wawancara akan diumumkan pada tanggal 8 November 2007.

Pelamar yang diterima menjadi CPNS Badan POM RI akan diumumkan pada tanggal 26 November 2007.

Lain-lain :

Pelamar yang terlambat atau tidak menyerahkan berkas kelengkapan persyaratan sampai batas yang ditentukan atau tidak lulus dalam setiap tahap seleksi dianggap gugur.

Lamaran yang diterima oleh Badan POM RI sebelum pengumuman ini, dianggap tidak berlaku dan supaya diajukan kembali di tempat pendaftaran.

Berkas lamaran yang telah dimasukkan tidak dapat diminta kembali.

Dalam rangka Seleksi Pengadaan CPNS ini tidak ada bimbingan tes atau persiapan pendahuluan, tidak diadakan surat menyurat dan tidak dipungut biaya apapun.

Lokasi pilihan hanya merupakan bahan pertimbangan untuk penempatan pelamar yang dinyatakan diterima sebagai CPNS Badan POM RI sesuai kebutuhan. Peserta yang dinyatakan diterima sebagai CPNS Badan POM RI harus bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh unit kerja di lingkungan Badan POM RI apabila lokasi pilihan telah terpenuhi.

Pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus menjadi CPNS wajib menyerahkan :

Surat keterangan sehat jasmani, rokhani, dan bebas narkoba dari dokter pemerintah.

Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK).

Membuat surat pernyataan bersedia ditempatkan dan ditugaskan di unit kerja yang telah ditentukan minimal 5 (lima) tahun berturut-turut yang ditandatangani di atas materai Rp.6000,- dan diketahui orang tua pelamar.

Pelamar yang lulus dan akan ditempatkan pada Balai POM RI di Gorontalo, Pangkal Pinang, Banten, dan Batam, untuk sementara akan didayagunakan pada Balai Besar POM RI di Manado, Palembang, Bandung, dan Pekanbaru.

Sanksi berupa denda Rp.10.000.000,- (Sepuluh juta rupiah) akan dikenakan bagi :

Pelamar yang mengundurkan diri setelah diproses ke Badan Kepegawaian Negara.CPNS/PNS yang mengundurkan diri dengan alasan apapun setelah penempatan, denda ditambah biaya transport penugasan.

Badan POM (NA-DFC)
Jl. Percetakan Negara No.23 - Jakarta 10560 Indonesia
Telp: (021) 4259945, Fax: (021) 42889117, Email:

Lowongan Kerja di PT Kalbe Farma, Tbk

PT KALBE FARMA, Tbk merupakan salah satu perusahaan farmasi terbesar di
Indonesia yang sedang berkembang pesat.
Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang ulet, dinamis &
inovatif untuk posisi :


Anda akan bertanggung jawab dalam menangani pembuatan / maintenance
program-program di Business Operation.

Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan :
- Pendidikan S1 Teknik Informatika
- Usia maksimal 27 tahun
- Pengalaman 1 tahun sebagai Programmer
- Menguasai Visual Basic & SQL.

Bila Anda memenuhi kualifikasi, kirimkan CV & pas foto paling lambat
tanggal 2 Oktober 2007 ke :

HR Corporate
PT Kalbe Farma, Tbk
Gedung KALBE
Jl. Letjen. Suprapto kav. IV
Jakarta Pusat 10510

Atau melalui email ke :

Lowongan Pekerjaan di Hampton’s Park Apartment | Pondok Indah Jakarta

Suatu Apartemen yang berada di Pondok Indah membuka lowongan pekerja untuk posisi berikut ini,
1. Building Control
2. Chief House Keeping
3. Pool Attendant
4. Fitness Instructore
5. Tennis Instructore
Dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
a. Pendidikan minimal S1/D3 dengan pengalaman mininal 2 tahun.( 1 dan 2).
b. Pendidikan minimal D3/SMK/SMU dengan pengalan minimal 2 tahun. (1,2,3)
c. Memiliki kemampuan dalam membuat, menganalisa dan evaluasi
khususnya dalam manajemen kepengeloaan gedung (1 dan 2)
c. Dapat berbahasa Inggris (1,2,3,4,5)
d. Jujur dan service oriented
e. Siap dan mau bekerja
Surat lamaran di tujukan kepada :
Hampton’s Park Apartment
Jl. Terogong Raya No. 18 Cilandak Barat Pondok Indah
Jakarta Selatan
Telp 021-75923553
Lamaran ditutup pada tanggal 8 Maret 2008 .

Lowongan Pekerjaan Graphic/Web Designer di Jakarta

Graphic/Web Designer
-Have Strong taste of Design
-Excellent Skills in Graphic Design Application:
Photoshop, Illustrator/Freehand, InDesign, Corel Draw
-Excellent Skills in HTML/CSS
-Excellent Skills in Flash Application: Flash CS and
ActionScript 2.0/3.0
-Fresh graduated are welcome
Please submit your application and portfolio to:
or .

Lowongan Pekerjaan Terbaru di Polo Group | Jakarta

We are a national reputable fast growing garment manufacturing &
distribution company in Indonesia with POLO and C.K.F fashion brand.
Not only become a leader fashion brand in market domestic (POLO
Casual, Formal, Ladies, Kids and C.K.F Casual wear for Man & Women)
but we also developed our business group in non garment field such as
Food & Beverages (Foodcourt, Restaurant, Café, Backery & Ice Cream
Outlet), Spa, Lounge, Property (Shopping Centre/Mall, Mini Market,
Handicraft, Souvenir and Accessories Store). And now we’re in urgent
needs of new and capable employees to fill in the position as:

Minimum qualifications:
· Female/Male, max 35 years old
· Graduated from University with any of discipline
· At least 1 years experience in supervising operational of with
significant achievement records.
· Strong competencies of leadership and management skills
· Disciplined, having drive and persistent, and working independently
· Having good communication and interpersonal skill, confidence in
English conversation is a must and in Mandarin conversation is an
value added
· Position are opening for our branches in Jakarta.

Minimum qualifications:
-Female, single max 25 years old
-Fresh graduates at least hold a diploma (D3) in Secretary
-Having good interpersonal skills, attractive appearance, confident,
active, loyal, honest, responsible, self motivated and willing to
work individually or as part of a team
-Willing to work hard, and under pressure Able to work overtime
-Excellent English speaking and writing skills
-Computer literate and knowledge in MS Office.

Job Description:
- Controlling and supervising daily activities in Accounting Division.
- Checking staffs’ works and reports of accounting journals and statements
- Giving periodical reports to Accounting Manager
Minimum qualifications:
- Man / Woman age between 22 - 55 years old
- Min. education Diploma
- Fresh Graduates welcome
- Good knowledge about accounting and taxation
- Fluent in English or other foreign language will be highly considered

Minimum qualifications:
- Male or female
- Minimum diploma
- At least 1 years experience on the same field
- Able to operate computer
- Dynamic, Hard worker
- Strong leadership skill
- Good Interpersonal Skill, service oriented and can work under
- Able to work with multi cultured staff, hands on staff and good in

Minimum qualifications:
- Male or female
- Fluent in english (written and speak)
- Computer literate : microsoft office
- Having min. 1 year experience in human resources and in managing
expatriate documentation
-Fresh graduates welcome
- Willing to work in jakarta
-Hard worker , able to work under pressure, and eager to learn

Minimum qualifications:
- Male, Female
- Minimum of D3 in any related fields
- Possessing high level of interpersonal and communication skill
- Proficient in English communication both English and written
- Willing to work under pressure
- Computer literate and knowledge in MS Office

Minimum qualifications:
- Male / Female age between 20 - 30 years old
- Min. Education SMA/SMK
For candidates who meet these requirements, send your resume and
application letter attended to:

Ms. Claudia Sagita
Management Division
Po box 1184. JKS 12011 .

Lowongan Kerja Junior Programmer di PT. Widya Pustaka | Cibitung Bekasi

PT. Widya Pustaka saat ini tengah membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi sebagai

Junior Programmer

Dengan Persyaratan:
- Pria maksimum usia 28 Thn.
- Latar Belakang Pendidikan S1 Tek.Informatika atau S1 Ilmu Komputer, dengan IPK Minimal 3
- Fresh Graduated boleh melamar
- Pengalaman Kerja sebagai Programmer minimal 1 tahun.
- Menguasai software Microsoft Access, SQL 2000 Server dan Oracle database.
- Menguasai programming dengan Borland Delphi, Visual Fox Pro dan Crystal Report.
- Memahami jaringan Local Area Network dan WAN.
- Bersedia bekerja di lokasi perusahaan di Kawasan Industri MM 2100 Cibitung Bekasi.

Kirimkan Surat Lamaran dan CV terakhir ke:

HRD Manager PT. Widya Pustaka
Jl. Pulau Selayar Kav. A 5
Komplek Industri MM 2100
Cibitung Bekasi 17520
atau lewat alamat email ke:
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil untuk wawancara .

Lowongan di PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk

PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, perusahaan yang telah 56 tahun bergerak di bidang distribusi dan manufaktur bahan kimia dasar dan bahan kimia khusus, serta telah mewakili lebih dari 100 prinsipal internasional, 1000 produk dan 2000 konsumen domestik dan regional. Memiliki empat cabang dan delapan kantor perwakilan di seluruh Indonesia serta anak perusahaan di Singapura dan Thailand sebagai jalur distribusi dan 20 perusahaan manufaktur, baik anak perusahaan maupun afiliasi. Dan untuk memberikan layanan pendukung kepada konsumen, LAUTAN LUAS mendirikan anak perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Supply Chain, Laboratorium R & D, Konsultan IT serta Water Treatment, yang menjadikannya sebagai perusahaan penyedia solusi total di bidang industri kimia.

PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk membuka kesempatan bagi Anda yang berani mengambil tantangan untuk bergabung dengan perusahaan kami sebagai :

Kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan S1 Ilmu Komputer
- Terampil dalam aplikasi Java atauVisual Studio.NET, Microsoft SQL Server atau RDBMS lainnya
- Memiliki pemahaman dalam hal Object Oriented Programming
- Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman sejenis minimal 2 tahun

Kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan STM Arus Lemah
- Pengalaman menangani pemasangan, perawatan dan perbaikan instalasi listrik kantor minimal 2 tahun

Kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan SMU sederajat
- Dapat mengoperasikan komputer
- Memiliki pemahaman Bahasa Inggris
- Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman sebagai staff administrasi minimal 2 tahun

Kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan S1 Teknik Kimia
- Maksimal 40 tahun
- Memiliki pengalaman 3-5 tahun sebagai Oil Field Chemical Engineer dan berpengalaman melakukan Bottle Test
- Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas

Jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, kirimkan surat lamaran dan CV lengkap Anda dengan mencatumkan kode posisi yang diinginkan ke alamat:
Anda bisa langsung mengisi aplikasi secara online melalui:

Lowongan Kerja di LaSalle College International Jakarta

LaSalle College International Jakarta is looking for
young, dynamic, suitable and qualified candidates to
join us in the following area:

1. Head of Department/Lecturers of Computer Graphic & Multimedia

- Master Degree in Design Graphic & Multimedia
- Fluency in English and ability to operate computers
is a must
- Passionate in teaching students
- Have a good portfolio
- Experienced in the design industry

2. Lecturers of Courses:
a. Copywriting;
b. Radio Production (Writing & Producing);
c. TVC Production;
d. Campaign Design;
e. Integrated Advertising and Communication
f. Advertising Internship
g. Account Planning
- Bachelor/Master Degree in Design Graphic &
- Fluency in English and ability to operate computers
is a must
- Passionate in teaching students
- Have a good portfolio
- Experienced in Advertising design industry

3. Head of Department/Lecturers of Interior Design
- Master Degree in Interior Design
- Fluency in English and ability to operate computers
is a must
- Passionate in teaching students
- Have a good portfolio
- Experienced in the design industry

4. Graphic Designer
- Diploma/Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design
- Fluency in English
- Have a good portfolio
- Can work as a team
- Can work with great ease under stress and
Please send in your comprehensive resume stating
current and expected salary together with a recent
passport-sized photograph within 1 week after this
advertised is published to:
LaSalle College International Jakarta
e-mail: .

Lowongan Pekerjaan di PT Dalzon Indonesia

We are PMA Company in Heavy Industry, Now we are currently looking for
talented & highly motivated individuals to join us as :
- Education :S1 graduated
- Excellent written and communication skills in the English language
- Able to communicate in local dialects
- Knowledge of Microsoft applications
- Pleasant personality with a passion for service
- Able to handle field and admin duties
Requirements :
- Min a Diploma
- Fresh graduated are welcome
- Male/Female. min age : 20 years old
- High Motivated, hard working, creative and team work.
- Computer Literacy: Excel Advantage
- Female, age max. 35 years old.
- Minimum D3, graduated from a reputable secretarial academy.
- Fluent in English both speaking and writing, good computer skills;
familiar with MS windows, word, excel & power point and a teamwork
- High integrity ,Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
- Positive thinking, energetic mind set, good sense.

Please send your application letter, CV and recent photograph to :
PO. BOX 8617/JKTM 12700
Email : .

Lowongan Kerja Bidang Hukum di Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (YLBHI)

Penerimaan Paralegal YLBHI 2008
Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (YLBHI) akan membuka kesempatan
Sarjana Hukum dan Mahasiswa tingkat akhir untuk menjadi paralegal. Program
paralegal ini akan berlangsung mulai Maret sampai dengan Juni 2008.
Persyaratan untuk paralegal:
1. Sarjana hukum / mahasiswa hukum semester akhir
2. Telah menempuh 120 sks
3. Memiliki dedikasi yang tinggi untuk menambah ilmu hukum dan HAM

Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan :
1. Daftar Riwayat Hidup (Curriculum Vitae)
2. Pas foto 3 x 4 (2 lembar)
3. Photocopy ijazah/transkrip IPK
4. Photocopy KTP
5. Mengisi formulir yang telah disediakan

Keterangan lengkap dan formulir penerimaan paralegal YLBHI dapat di
download di
Formulir dan persyaratan yang ditentukan tersebut diatas dikirim ke :
Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (YLBHI)
Jl. Diponegoro No. 74 Jakarta 10320 INDONESIA
Telp : (021) 3140024
Fax : (021) 31930140
Atau melalui email ke:

Pengiriman formulir paling lambat tanggal 10 Maret 2008.
Zainal Abidin
Direktur Riset dan Pengembangan YLBHI .

Lowongan Kerja Staff Data Center/DBA di Para Finance - Jakarta

Kami membutuhkan beberapa orang tenaga profesional sebagai:
DBA / Staff Data Center
Dengan kualifikasi sbb:
-Pria/wanita, maks 30 tahun
-Pendidikan S1 dari Universitas terkemuka
-Pengalaman min 1 tahun di bidang IT/M.I.S
-Memiliki pengalaman menggunakan SQL Server
Kirimkan surat lamaran kerja anda lengkap dengan daftar riwayat hidup dan pas photo (3×4) terbaru ke :
HRD Para Finance
Jl. Wijaya I no. 19 Kebayoran Baru - Jakarta Selatan 12170
e-mail : to:
cc: .

Friday, March 7, 2008

Lowongan Kerja Senior Accountant di eCom Trading | Jakarta

An MNC trading company is urgently looking for a

Senior Accountant

with the following requirements:
- Male/Female, max 35 years old.
- Bachelor degree in Accounting
- A minimum of 5 years working experience.
- Detail oriented, initiative, fast learner, ability to work under pressure with limited supervision.
Due to the urgency, we invite those who is interested to send their resumes, with current and expected salary benefits along with a passport sized photograph to email:
latest by Feb 29, 2008 stating
Put “Senior Accountant” on the subject of your email. .

Lowongan Kerja Resepsionis di PT ZTE Indonesia di Jakarta

PT. ZTE Indonesia as subsidiary company of ZTE Corporation is one of
the leading telecommunication solution suppliers based on China
providing total solution to telecom carriers worldwide. ZTE’s over
26,000 employees are working in more than 70 countries and regions in
Asia, America, Europe, Africa, etc. In coping with our expansion in
local market depending on our Indonesian large project demand, ZTE is
looking for outstanding employees in Indonesia to fill in the vacant
position of :
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
- Handle Phone Call
- Handle for Lunch Order
- Supporting departmental office activities
- Fixed asset Management
- Other administration work

1. Education background min High School with experience more than 1 year
2. Proficiency in English is a must, and literate in basic computer skill
3. Mandarin language active for read & write (prefer)
4. Strong customer service mind and sense of responsibility
5. Excellent ability to analyze, judge and coordinate among departments
6. Excellent ability to organize, plan and implement
7. Good knowledge in telecommunication, good experience of technical
support service in telecommunication system
8. Good at management skill
9. Like to work in details
10. Pleasant personalities
Forward your comprehensive resume and CV in English to :
Quoting job reference code in the subject or post them to:
PT ZTE Indonesia
MidPlaza 2, 15th floor,
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 10-11
Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
More detailed introduction in:
CLOSE DATE : March 22, 2008 .

Lowongan Kerja Account Execurive di PT Marine Multimedia - Jakarta

We Are a Media Group which runs businesses in Media
Magazines, is looking for potential personnel to build
career in media business for the following positions :

Bachelor degree, any discipliner
Have 1 year experience in the same position
Must have a wide network base
Maintain relationship and favourable contract with
current and potential advertising account
Excellent in communication skills
Fluent in English, both written and oral
Have a target oriented
Able to work under pressure and tight deadline
Able to work in a team or individually
Please Send Application Letter, CV, recent photograph.
Put the code on the upper left corner of the envelope
or in subject e-mail to:
PT. Marine Multimedia
Jl. Boulevard Barat Raya Ruko Inkopal Blok A No. 48
Kelapa Gading
Jakarta 14240
Only short listed candidates will be notified .

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di PT Toyota Astra Financial Services (TA Finance)

PT. Toyota Astra Financial Services (TA Finance) is a joint venture between Toyota Financial Services Corporation (TFSC) and PT. Astra International Tbk (AI), whose relationship has spanned for over 30 years. Memorandum of Understanding was signed in October 2005, an initiative which aims to be the most preferred and ultimately, the only financing solution for Toyota vehicle ownership.
It has become our mission to be a valuable asset not only to our shareholders, but also our business partners /associates, to the customers, the country we are located in and its government, and finally to the community nationwide.
TA Finance put high values on professionalism in providing services, achieving excellence across all areas, good relation with business partners, and customer-focused. We also strive to provide service that is trouble - free, affordable, and accessible. Together with Toyota Astra Motor and Toyota Dealers, TA Finance providers further assistance for Toyota customers in making their Toyota come true.
If you afraid to develop your career
1. Fleet Account Officer (FAO)
The incumbent will be responsible for creating corporate new account in order to achieve sales volume & good AR Quality, maintaining existing customer and exceed customer expectation to create a mutually beneficial relationship. As our liaison, you have to understand the needs and interests of the customers and adjust it with the conditions that can be provided by company, conduct a business potential analysis and measure market potential. You should have a great network and drive to achieve target, independent (self starter), able to work a long with others, strong communications skill, literate in English (and mandarin as an added value).

2. Market Risk Officer (MRO)
The incumbent will be responsible to design and implement market risk polices. It includes monitoring and controlling Portfolio Management and analyzing financial market condition which impacts to the current portfolio. Understanding market risk is preferred.

3. Marketing Communication & Promotions (MCP)
The incumbent will be responsible to design and implement marketing communication strategy, execute media plan and prepare marketing support materials (promotional items) in order to support marketing programs such as adobe Photoshop and macromedia Freehand as well as understanding marketing communication, branding & project management are preferred.

4. Accounting Officer (AO)
The incumbent will be responsible to manage accounting system in the company. It includes consultative roles for the user to manage our system. The incumbent should have an accounting degree.

5. IT Developer (IT Dev)
The incumbent will be responsible for designing, implementing and maintaining the Information Technology System effectively and efficiently. You should master in IT multi finance application and Back End system. Basic required IT application: MS SQL Server, ASP, and .net applications.

6. Organizational Officer (OD)
The incumbent will be an HR member and responsible to build, develop, and maintain our culture, organization and system of Human Resources. To Fill this position, you need o have strong interpersonal skill, innovative thinking as well as analytical thinking and have passion to be role model in building the culture.

7. Credit Analyst (CA)
The incumbent will be responsible for delegated authority that given by company by analyzing customer application of car leasing and give the best decision according to credit criteria, to procedure and risk policies. You should have a great analytical thinking, information seeking, self confidence and eagerness to learn about customer profile and industry.

8. Customer services Officer (CSO)
The incumbent will be responsible to serve our customer with delight services, specifically in consulting the leasing procedures, accepting customer complaint and finding the best way to solve the problem with superior consultative. You should have a great communication, ability to get along with others and ability to serve other (Helpful attitude).

General Requirements:
1. University degree with GPA min 3.2 not more than 26 years old.
2. Having an excellent drive to achieve target
3. Independent and having an eagerness to learn
4. Able to work along with others and good persuasive communication.
5. Great project management skill
6. Literate in English.

Please send your comprehensive resume in detail ( including your organization experience, & achievement in campus & working field), copies of your certificate & transcript, your latest photograph no later than March 03, 2008 to :
Sekretariat CDC FEUI
Gedung A lt. 3,FEUI
Kampus UI, Depok
Ph. 021- 7272425 ext. 142 .

Various Vacancy at KBR Indonesia

Closing date : Tuesday, September 18, 2007

KBR is a world leading Engineering and Construction management and
related services company employing over 60.000 people in more than 100
countries around the world. Services offered include Upstream and
Downstream Oil and Gas business, which provide design of Offshore
Processing, Fixed Platforms, Sub-sea and Floating Facilities as well
as Onshore LNG Plant, Petrochemicals and Petroleum refineries worldwide.

Additionally, our Government and Infrastructure group provides service
and expert in design, build and maintain fixed infrastructure,
including tracks, bridges, tunnels, stations, depots, and overhead
transaction, and signaling and communication system.

In order to support growth in KBR’s Domestic & International business,
the Jakarta Engineering Office seeks talented and experiences
Indonesian nationals to fill the following positions:

[code: SE(discipline) / E(discipline)


Responsible for works under general supervision undertakes studies,
designs, documentation and reporting on transportation system (road,
rail, airport and seaport) bridges, infrastructure, drainage,
underground utilities, and other civil, electrical, instrumentation
and piping engineering works. Under general supervision, performs all
conventional aspects of the functional area subject matter. Devises
new approaches to problems encountered. Plans, schedules, and conducts
work requiring judgment in the independent evaluation, selection, and
adaptation of engineering techniques, procedures, and criteria.
Provides technical guidance to designers and less experienced engineers.

• Recognized University degree in respective discipline.
• Relevant Experience in Multinational, Local Engineering and/ or
Construction Companies in Infrastructure Projects (Road, Railway,
Transport, Maritime, Water Treatment, Waste Water and Building) and/
or Oil & Gas, Minerals, Refining and Petrochemicals.
• Software Ability: STAADPRO/SACS/MICROSTRAN for Civil/Structural,
ETAP for Electrical, INTOOLS for Instrumentation, PVELITE/ DISASU/
HTRI/ for Mechanical, CAESAR II Stress Analysis for Piping, HYSYS/
ASPEN for Process.
• Familiar with Australian Standard will be an advantage.

[code: SD(discipline) / D(discipline)]

Performs layout and design work from the basic data supplied. Applies
advanced level techniques in computer design and standard design
applications. Job tasks, correctly performed, impact indirectly on
cost containment, efficiency, profitability or operations.
Consequences of error are easily measured and can be confined.

• Minimum Senior Technical School certificates or equivalent with 5-8
years of related experiences from reputable technical school
• Relevant Experience in Multinational, Local Engineering and/ or
Construction Companies in Infrastructure Projects (Road, Railway,
Transport, Maritime, Water Treatment, Waste Water and Building) and/
or Oil & Gas, Minerals, Refining and Petrochemicals.
• Software Ability: AUTOCAD, AUTOPLANT, 12D, PDS and PDMS for
Infrastructure Projects and 3D CAD (PDMS and/ or PDS), AUTOPLANT
and/or 2-D AUTOCAD, MICROSTATION for Offshore/Onshore Oil & Gas
facilities and Petrochemical Projects.


Responsible for a segment of a larger project, such as Plans,
organizes, coordinates and controls projects in accordance with the
established policies, procedures, systems, and requirements approved
by the company. Manage day to day contact and communication with the
client and focuses on providing client satisfaction.

• Bachelor or Master Degree in Engineering or related disciplines.
• 8-10 years of experience in Infrastructure Projects or Oil and Gas
Offshore/ Onshore industry with 5 years exposure in a Project Engineer



Provides leadership for multiple aspects of controls including cost,
planning/scheduling, estimating, and, if applicable, quantity
surveying personnel assigned to the project team. Develops strategy
for personnel development, forecasting, tracking, and reporting
project cost as well as estimating, cost control, and
planning/scheduling. Responsible for implementation of project
control, best practices and develop direct reports.

• Bachelor or Master Degree in Engineering or related disciplines.
• 15 years of experience in Infrastructure Projects or Oil and Gas
Offshore/ Onshore industry with 10 years in a Project Controls role


Prepare cost reports - evaluate analysis cost trends - understand,
interpret and administer contractual agreements - review and check
variation between budgets and actual and forecast.

• Degree/ Diploma in Engineering or related disciplines.
• 5 years of experience in Infrastructure Projects or Oil and Gas
Offshore/Onshore industry with 5 years in a Cost Specialist role


Produce engineering schedules using Critical Path Method - Analyze
schedule and highlight critical areas to management - produces curves,
histogram and Bar chart schedules - produce weekly, monthly reports to
client - develop and implement physical progress measurement systems
for all disciplines.

• Degree / Diploma in Engineering or related disciplines.
• 5 years experience in Infrastructure Projects or Oil and Gas
Offshore/Onshore industry



Responsible for resolving user IT issues and responds to service desk
tickets for software and hardware issues, including remote support of
PC’s and peripherals in a networked environment.

• Bachelor degree in Computer & Science from reputable Universities;
with minimum GPA required is 3.0 out of 4.0.
• 2-3 years experience as Desktop Analyst in similar Multinational
• Having minimum of 2-3 years working experience in desktop support in
a Microsoft environment.
• Must possess basic desktop hardware knowledge and proficient use of
• Familiar with Nortel PABX, Asset Management and MCDST certified will
be considered as additional advantage.
• Good knowledge in troubleshooting hardware & software, LAN.

• Good command of both written and spoken English and Indonesia language
• Good communication skills, interpersonal skills and willing to work
in a team
• Leadership and Team Alignment (for Senior Engineers, Project
Engineers & Project Control Manager)
• Willing to accept Overseas assignment
• Good HSE awareness and of trustworthy character

Interested applicants should send their resume, in English to and mention the title of the position applied in the
subject of the email within 10 days of the advertisement.

DO NOT attach scanned certificates, transcripts and reference letters
and ONLY SHORT-LISTED candidates will be contacted.

KBR operates throughout the Asia Pacific region. We are committed to
attracting and maintaining qualified staff and offer professional
challenge, competitive employment conditions and excellent career
prospects. We are also committed achieving Health, Safety and
Environmental excellence in all our business practices and operations.

Small Business Loans Provider

Doing business is one of the surest ways to get rich.
The problem with starting small business is on funding. You have to get Small Business Loans if you want to get quick fund.

There is many Small Business Loans provider, one of them is
AFSLoans differs from other Small Business Loans provider on few things. AFSLoans has No Hidden Charge, No Application Fee, easy to apply and if you are qualified, you will get your fund soon.

Please visit their web site at to get further information.


Perusahaan kami merupakan salah satu perusahaan terbesar unit
perdagangan di bidang Public Services yang berafiliasi dengan
beberapa perusahaan di negara Asia Tenggara dan berpusat di Jakarta.
Saat ini akan kami membuka beberapa kantor cabang pembantu di
Jabotabek. Kami membuka kesempatan besar bagi para profesional yang
berpengalaman di bidangnya untuk bergabung menempati beberapa
jabatan sebagai berikut :
1. Product Development Manager (PM)
- Pria/Wanita S1 semua jurusan
- Memiliki pengalaman memimpin/menjadi wakil perusahaan
- Memiliki pengalaman di bidang serupa merupakan nilai lebih
- Pekerja keras dan inovatif
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan diutamakan

2. Public Relations (PR)
- Pria/Wanita min D3 Public Relations/Komunikasi
- Memiliki penampilan dan kepribadian yang baik
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan diutamakan
- Sanggup bekerja dalam team

3. Asst. Personalia Staff (APS)
- Pria/Wanita min. D3 semua jurusan
- Menguasai MS Office
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris min pasif
- Memiliki penampilan dan kepribadian yang baik
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik di depan forum

4. Back Office Staff (BOS)
- Pria/Wanita min. D3 Ekonomi/Administrasi
- Menguasai MS Office dengan baik
- Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan dan sebagai anggota team
- Teliti dan tekun

Kirimkan segera aplikasi lengkap beserta CV dan pasfoto terbaru ke :
e-mail : .

Lowongan Kerja Resepsionis dan Accounting Staff di Perusahaan Furnitute |

We are a leader in the Furniture Retail and Interior Consultant Company.
Due to our rapid growth, we are looking for highly motivated, committed,
and qualified person to fill the position of:

The requirements are as follows :
- Female, min 24 years old
- D3 from any major
- Experience in related field
- Have good human relationship skills
- Have ability to accept and deliver detail information
- Good appearance and stylist is a must
- Have excellent communication skills, good appearance and
ability to work in a team and individually
- Dynamic, honest, responsible, and willingness to work under
pressure and long hours with deadline
- Familiar with Ms Office & Internet
- Have a good command of English is a must

The requirements are as follows :
- Female, min. 24 years old
- S1 from Accounting
- At least 1 year experience as Accounting Staff
- Have good appearance, ability to work in a team and
individually, excellent communication & coordination, discipline,
energetic, highly motivated with strong commitment
- Dynamic, honest, responsible, and willingness to work under
pressure and long hours with deadline
- Fluent in English and or Mandarin

If you meet these qualifications and are committed to quality without
compromise, please email your full resume and recent photograph at: .

Unsecured Personal Loan

We all need money. To buy food, home, car, internet connection, etc.
Sometimes we don’t have enough money to buy product or services we need. In such situation we need a quick cash advance or Personal Loan.
Searching for a Personal Loan Online provider is easy, just typed in Online Personal Loan, cash advance , payday loan or just Loan , then you will get tons of list of personal loan provider.

If you see thru the list, you will found that one of them is America Unsecured, they offers personal and business loan for everybody in United States. As long as you have a job and good credit report, then you are qualified to get this personal loan.

All you have to do is just go to their website at, then open and fill their personal loan online application form. After you submit it, then they will check and verify your data, by phone or email. If they can confirmed and verified your data then you will get your personal loan fund deposited into your bank account on the someday. One more reason why you will like this company is because you do not need to secure your loan with any asset.

American Unsecured also offer free personal and business loan consultation, and there is no obligation to use their service after consultation. Please visit their website, you will get complete information you need there. Their website have a BBB logo, it’s mean they are a trustworthy company.

Lowongan Kerja di Arab (Starbucks Dubai), Interview di Jakarta dan Bandung

The World’s Most Famous International Coffee Concept is Looking for:
- Waiter
- Waitress
- Barista
All position above Basic Salary Rp.4,5 Jt
- Male/Female
- Preferably Experienced with International Fast Food Concepts
- Excellent English, Communication Skills & Good Grooming
Walk In Interview:
15 Feb - 8 Mar 2008, Mon-Fri (9am-4pm), Sat (9am-1pm)
Elite International Recruitment
Gedung Gajah Unit J, Jl. Dr Saharjo Raya No.111, Tebet Jakarta Selatan

6 - 8 Mar 2008, start on 9am
EnHaii Dome - STP Bandung
Jl. Setiabudi No.186

Yogyakarta, Surabaya & Medan
Please send your CV to
or visit our website
For Further info please call
021-83786790 / 021-92745666 .

Lowongan Kerja Product Planning Officer di Perusahaan Farmasi | PT Combiphar

Combiphar, one of pharmaceutical company is looking for
Product Planning Officer
with these qualifications :
- Male / Female, max age 35 years
- Bachelor degree in Medicine / Pharmacy / Marketing
- Min 1 year of working experience in product or sales management in
pharmaceutical company or FMCG company
- Good communication, presentation & negotiation skill, mature with
good interpersonal skill at all levels, excellent analytical skill &
creative problem solving
- Good knowledge of HAKI & patent for pharmaceutical company
- Fluent in English, computer literate, possess A driving license
Please send your CV via email to:
Before February 20, 2008 .

Vacancy at LG Innotek Indonesia Co, Ltd

LG Innotek Indonesia Co., Ltd are a group of Electronic Multinational company, looking for highly qualified person for the following positions as:

1. Quality Assurance Staff (code: QA-ST)
Vocational Requirement :
- Male
- Bachelor degree from Electrical/Electron

ic Engineering

2. Accounting Staff (code: ACT-ST)
Vocational Requirement :
- Male
- Bachelor degree from Accounting or Financial Management

General Requirement :
- GPA min. 3,00 ( scale 4 )
- Age max. 27 years old
- Must be able to speak and written English
- 0-1 years experience
- Able to work under pressure is a must
- High motivated
- Able to work in a team
- Can be placed in Cikarang, Bekasi

If you meet our requirement above please send us your application letter and your latest CV and photo before September 17th, 2007
To email :
with maximum 200 KB size on .doc or .pdf format
Bekasi International Industrial Estate Block C8 No. 12&12A
Lemahabang, Bekasi Timur 17550 Jawa Barat
Name the position code on subject column on your email or on your envelope and please mention your current and expected salary. Only short listed candidate would be process. Please call us or visit our website for further information, or phone at 021-8990 6619-20 ext 130.

Lowongan Kerja di Billingual Pre School di Kemang | Jakarta Selatan

A bilingual preschool located in KEMANG-JAKSEL, looking for:
Female, max 32 years
Love children,Creative
Experience in goverment relationship
Min. 4 years experience in related job
Fluent in speaking/writing english
Live around Kemang JAKSEL

Male/female, max. 30 years
Love children, Creative
Fluent in speaking/writing english & bahasa Indonesia
Min.3 years exprerience in related job (preferred montesorri, tumble tots, bilingual school)
Live around Kemang JAKSEL
Please send your CV/recent photo & EXPECTED SALARY
to email address : .

Lowongan Kerja IT di a fast expanding Digital Company with reputable accounts
seeks energetic, motivated and experienced several candidate for
position :
Web Developer - PHP Specialist ( code : DEVPHP )
- Computer OS: Windows, Linux.
- WEB Programming: HTML, Java Script, PHP : MySQL, AJAX
- Having at least two years experience in the same field.
- Proficient oral and written English
- Able to work as a team player or independently

Web Developer - ASP.NET Specialist ( code : DEVASP )
- Computer OS: Windows.
- WEB Programming: HTML, Java Script, ASP.NET & MS-SQL
- Fresh Graduate are welcome.
- Able to work as a team player or independently

Content Handler ( code : CH )
- Computer OS: Windows.
- Min Diploma/Degree Holders
- Fresh Graduate are welcome.
- Posses excellent writing skills in English and Bahasa
- Well organized & resourceful
- Good understanding of web content management system
- Able to work as a team player or independently

Web Designer ( code : WD )
- Graphic Design: Adobe Photo Shop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia
Dreamweaver, Macromedia Flash, CSS
- Fresh Graduate are welcome
- Able to work as a team player or independently

Applicants are encourage to submit the application, CV with expected
salary to: .

Lowongan Kerja Accounting di Bandung

New accountancy team required
We are a rapidly expanding international service
provider with offices in the UK and Poland.
Several new positions have been created on a new
project working for a UK based company.
You will play a crucial role in keeping track of their
costs and reconciling their purchase order tracking
Your work will include tracking orders from placement
to invoicing and/or approving the prices quoted for
services from suppliers.
You are required to have a:
- S1 Degree from Economic (Majoring in Accounting )
- Experiences in Invoicing and Reconciliation
- Fluent in English both written and spoken
In return we are offering a very competitive salary
and bonus scheme.
Please send your CV to :, along with expected
salary. This vacancy is closed till the end of
february 2008
(Only short list candidates will be interviewed) .

Vacancy at MetroTV


Qualified :

1. Male, max : 22 - 27 years old
2. Background in Computer Technology / IT
3. Have a good skill in ASP/ASP.NET, VB6, VB.NET, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle and etc
4. Experience min : 1 years
5. Smart and fast leaner
6. Hard working person, Honest, Loyal, and Creative
7. Able to work under pressure

Please send your complete CV and latest photograph to :

Lowongan Kerja Financial Accountant

Our client is a British company with specialiases in the development and
implementation of smart software solutions.
They are specifically focussed on Asset Management, Business Process
Managaement, Utility Billing and Document Management.
Due to their business expansion, currently they need a qualified person
He or she will report directly to their Accounting Manager in Hongkong.
Qualification :
Minimum S1 degree from Accouting with minimum GPA 3.00 with scale 4.00
Minimum 5 years post qualifying experience gained from one of the leading
public accounting firms or multinational company as Accountant
Male or Female with range of age maximum 40 years old
Good communication in English both oral and written
Proficient with the requirements of Indonesian laws and regulations
including Indonesian accounting standards and local tax legislations,
Possess initiative and are enthusiastic. Independent and reliable in
handling tasks assigned, willingness to work outside normal hours
whenever required.
High integrity, good leadership and team player with strong work ethic,
excellent analytical thinking and able to work well in a fast paced
changing environment, resourcesful, possess excellent communication and
interpersonal skills
Willing to travel whenever necessary.
Should your qualification meet with the above, please send your
curriculum vitae complete with detail job description and photo by email

before February 29, 2008. .

Lowongan Pekerjaan Web Developer di PT Terakorp Indonesia | Bandung

PT. Terakorp Indonesia is a software developer company which are focused on web based application,
and now we are looking for a full-time web developers who has strong knowledge on application development.
The successful applicants will be based in Bandung - West Java
Job description :
- Having a good programming practice (coding standard,commenting, etc)
- Strong knowledge on PHP,Javascript,SQL,XML
- In depth Experience using PHP and PostgreSQL or MySQL
- Familiar with UNIX (Linux) environtment
- knowledge of triggers,indexes and database design is preferable
- Working knowledge of AJAX, DHTML and other dynamic technologies is highly regarded
Atrractive salary package will be given. Applicants will be treated strictly confidential.
Submitted document will not be returned
Shortlisted candidates will be required to complete a questionnaire, and then will be followed by interview and practical test.
If you are interested to join our vibrant company, please send your CV, Cover Letter and newest photograph to :
and cc to :
Please put RCT2008 in your email subject .

Lowongan Kerja di Jakarta, Minimal SMP untuk Posisi Sales, Ticketing, SPG, Administrasi, Pemeran Figuran dan Model Amatir

Hanya untuk yang Serius
Dibutuhkan beberapa orang tuk tenaga Sales, Ticketing, SPG, Administrasi, Pemeran Figuran dan Model Amatir
Syarat yang dibutuhkan :
1. Pria dan Wanita
2. Minimal Pendidikan SMP.
3. Umur Max 21 tahun
4. Siap bekerja keras shift ( libur kadang masuk )
5. Domisili di Jakarta
6. Berpenampilan menarik
7. Siap ditempatkan dmana saja (SPG and admin)
8. Pengalaman tidak diutamakan

Kirimkan CV + foto close wajah (1lembar) + foto seluruh badan (1lembar) secara mail ke:
atau ke alamat
Komp. P.J.K.A No. 3
Tg. Priok Jakarta Utara
Sertakan no tel yg dapat dihubungi dengan segera.
Tuliskan di sisi kanan amplop posisi lamaran yang diinginkan.
Khusus tuk artis figuran dan model sertakan foto dengan penampilan yang menarik.
Foto untuk model sertakan foto mengenakan baju renang.
Foto dan lamaran yang diterima sepenuhnya menjadi hak milik panitia.
Briefing hanya diberikan kepada yang telah lulus seleksi
Lamaran ini ditujukan hanya untuk yang mempunyai minat yang Serius.
Regards, Bram .

Lowongan Kerja di Medan

Based in Medan
(German Company, Chemical Manufacturing which market domestic as well as in export)
- Male, Min 40 yo, S1 Mechanical/Electrical Engineering with strong basic in chemical analysis and organic chemistry,
Min 5 years experiences in process engineering and chemical industry
- Experience in environmental, health and safety procedures including regulatory standards
- Supervise and optimize day to day operation of production sites group in term of production, quality control, factory, warehouse, labor control and administration matters to get worldwide standard products
- Able to develop unique solution to areas of process reliability, productivity, efficiency and yield
- Able to manage operating and capital budget assigned for factory needs
- Proficient in written and verbal English & computer literacy
- Proven to have track record of leadership, interpersonal skills and communication skills
- A team player, fast leaner, self starter, dynamic & energetic
- In high level of Commitment & dedication
Very attractive remuneration with promising career
development is waiting for the right candidate.
If you are qualified and interested in the position,
please email your complete CV, current job
descriptions, photo, plus some reference names,
positions & phone numbers), together with current
salary info to: .

Lowongan Kerja Software Developer - Lokasi di Bandung

Perusahaan kami sedang memerlukan Software Developer untuk dilibatkan
dalam proyek pengembangan aplikasi CRM di salah satu operator
Kualifikasi yang diperlukan adalah:
1. Menguasai Oracle PLSQL, PHP, dan WebServices
2. Lulusan D3/S1 Teknik Informatika, diutamakan yang berusia max 30 tahun
3. Sanggup bekerja dalam tenggat waktu yang singkat
Silakan kirim Surat Lamaran dan CV and melalui e-mail ke: .

Lowongan Kerja Programmer PHP di PT Mopedo Indonesia - Jakarta Selatan

PT. MOPEDO INDONESIA, sebuah perusahaan konsultan IT dan media
interaktif membutuhkan PHP Programmer guna mengerjakan proyek selama 3
Pertimbangan dalam memenuhi posisi tersebut adalah:
* Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan.
* Sanggup memenuhi tenggat waktu (deadline).
* Berorientasi OOP dan modular.
* Menguasai HTML dan CSS (sesuai standard W3C).
* Menguasai Javascript.
* Interaksi dengan MySQL.
* Team player.
* Lingkungan kerja informal.
* Lokasi kerja di Jakarta Selatan.
* Tergantung kinerja, kesempatan perpanjangan kontrak.
* Pendidikan formal tidak diutamakan walau merupakan pertimbangan.
* Gaji: 2 hingga 4 juta rupiah per bulan.
* Part-time akan dipertimbangkan.
Bila Anda tertarik serta merasa tertantang, silahkan kirimkan CV
komprehensif berikut foto, serta besar gaji yang diminta ke:
selambat-lambatnya hari Selasa, 19 Februari 2008.

Data Entry Vacancy at Mining Company

Our Client, Multinational Mining Company is urgently seeking for :

* Data Entry ( South Jakarta )

Qualifications :

- Female/ Male
- Accounting / Tax Education Background
- Good in Ms. Excel and posses experience in data entry to Accounting System/Software
- Good Understanding and Experience in Accounting & Tax
- For 6 months renewable contract
- Good command in English

Should you have above qualifications, pls send your details English resume to Attn. Ms. Novi. Note the position as subject of your email. Interesting benefits will be provided.Visit us at Only shortlisted qualified candidates will be interviewed

Lowongan Kerja IT di PT Marvel Network Sistem - Jakarta

PT Marvel Network Sistem, perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang
Teknologi informasi dan komputer, khususnya research dan infrastruktur
internet wireless, membuka lowongan kerja di bidang Software
Development, Project, dan Technical Staff.
2 orang untuk penempatan di Software Development Staff:
- Mengerti Linux
- Mengetahui dasar PHP
@2 orang untuk penempatan di Project & Technical Staff:
- Berminat dan pernah mempelajari bidang teknis jaringan internet
- Memiliki fisik dan mental yang kuat
- Sanggup bekerja keras dan di bawah tekanan
Lamaran dikirim ke HRD PT MNS (, paling lambat
lamaran diterima akhir February 2008.
Office 1:
Ambhara Building 3rd floor
Jl. Dr. Sahardjo, No 181 A/B
Jakarta 12860, Indonesia

Office 2/Workshop:
Rukan Mangga Dua Square
Blok E No. 29
Jl. Gunung Sahari 1
Jakarta 10730, Indonesia .

Lowongan Kerja di Amerika Serikat

Kami, PT QIA Solutions, telah berpengalaman dalam menyelenggarakan
program pendidikan overseas untuk program S2 dan S3 selama hampir 15
tahun. Kini kami bekerjasama dengan beberapa Lembaga Keagamaan di
Amerika dan sebuah Perusahaan Resmi Agen Tenaga Kerja beserta salah
satu Lembaga Pendidikan Vokasional di Boston USA, membuka Kesempatan
bagi Putra-putri Indonesia untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi LNA (Licensed
Nurse Assistant) dan langsung bekerja di USA.
Persyaratan :
1. WNI usia antara 18 - 45 tahun
2. Memiliki fisik yang kuat
3. Berdaya juang sangat tinggi dan berminat tinggi untuk berkarir di
luar negeri
4. Sabar dan mau melayani orang lain terutama yang telah lanjut usia
5. Mampu percaya diri dan tegas.
untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan tata caranya agar mempelajarinya
dengan seksama di Masukkan data diri anda dalam
guestbook yang telah disediakan dengan data yang benar agar kami dapat
menghubungi anda. .

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di PT Kalimantan Prima Services Indonesia - Balikpapan

We are an international services company for the resources sector,
plant engineering, civil construction, transportation, and earthworks
to serve our clients in fiber plantation and chip, pulp, and paper
industry. Our people are some of the best in the similar type of
business, with considerable competencies and extensive experience
across all areas of our operations. And currently, due to rapid
business expansion, we are seeking for the highly motivated
professionals to strengthen our team in the following position:

Plan, organize, and monitor marine log/wood
transportation, including barge operation, scheduling, woods loading-
unloading operation, and all marine business and administration in
relation with barge operation.
Min. Diploma with 8 years (MB-SI), 5 years (MB-SV) or
Senior High School with 10 years (MB-SI), 7 years (MB-SV) experience
in similar activities; mastering Marine Transport Maintenance &
Management as well as Marine Transport Regulation & Practice;
excellent in planning and organizing; and strong leadership skill.

Plan, manage, and control the land clearing,
planting, maintenance, or harvesting activities of acacia wood that
involving labors employment as well as various heavy equipments
operation on large populations.
Min. Diploma with 8 years (FR-SI), 5 years (FR-SV) or
Senior High School with 10 years (FR-SI), 7 years (FR-SV) experience
in similar activities; excellent in planning and organizing; and
strong leadership skill.

Schedule, maintain, and manage information progress
of project activities, include distributing that information to
related departments / units; source the information proactively and
make up into integrated report to keep intensive deal to sections of
procurements, logistic, distribution, plant engineering, and all
managers as well.
Minimum Bachelor in Civil, Mechanical, or Industrial
Engineering from reputable university; 4-5 years experience in the
similar activities and type of business; excellent skill on Primavera
& Microsoft Project; high accuracy and strong in planning and
organizing; able to work under pressure.

Plan and monitor all of site quality verification
and construction activities; guide and ensure awareness of all
manpower - both under KPSI and contractors - on all of quality
aspects, including procedures, requirements, and implementations;
conduct thorough construction reviews; inspection income raw material
and component quality; implement engineering management / document
control systems.
Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from reputable
university; 4-5 years experience in engineering and construction both
onshore and offshore - experienced in jetty construction would be
great advantage; firm understanding on NDT procedure, Corrosion
Protection System, Civil - Mechanical - Electrical - Instrument - QC
procedure, and HSE implementation in site; knowledge of estimating,
construction costs, scheduling, purchasing, engineering principals
and techniques, and various construction methods and installation

Coordinating the overall QHSE activities within a
project or operation area; actively ensuring follow-up on QHSE
related subjects and participating in QHSE audits; assisting in
managing contractors or suppliers according to the QHSE Management
System and relevant standards; developing and maintaining a high
level of awareness among all personnel through communication,
training, and active personal involvement in preventing and reporting
of non-conformances; assisting in reporting QHSE statistics
Bachelor Degree in Public Health or Engineering
(preferable with Mechanical or Industrial background) from reputable
university; 2 to 4 years relevant experience in a similar post;
knowledge of QHSE regulations, standards, systems, and procedures;
good problem solving techniques; strong conceptual and analytical
thinking; ability to cope with additional responsibilities;
innovative and prepared to share knowledge.

Perform routine health, safety, and environment
(HSE) regulated inspections and or investigations in assigned area of
operation; ensure compliance on applicable rules, regulations,
policies, and procedures on HSE; assist the Supervisor in measuring
physical hazards and recommend corrective action; maintain detailed
inspection or investigation records, prepares reports, and attends to
other related administrative requirements; deliver presentations,
instruction to staff, management, clients, or the general public.
Requirements: Minimum Diploma in Health and Safety or Engineering
from reputable university with 3 years experience or Senior High
School graduated with 5-6 years experience in the similar activities
and type of business; knowledge of HSE Regulations and Law; knowledge
HSE-related of theories, principles, and techniques; strong
analytical thinking; excellent skills in investigation and report
General Requirements:
Computer literate; excellent in English and
Bahasa both written and spoken; high personal work-motivation,
communicative, proactive, and creative; high orientation on cost-
effectiveness, quality, time-frame, and safety; high professional-
integrity and excellent teamwork skills; willing to travel and
relocate to Kalimantan.
If you are up to this challenge, kindly submit your application
letter, comprehensive CV with recent photograph, and related
certification before 16 February 2008 to:
HR Department of
PT Kalimantan Prima Services Indonesia - Balikpapan:
Please put the position code on e-mail subject
and quote your salary expectation in your application letter.
Only short listed candidate will be invited for interview. .

Lowongan Kerja Sekretaris

Our client is recently seeking for suitable candidate to fill in a -acant position as Executive Secretary.
- Female
- Single
- Well-groomed
- Familiar in English
- Good attitude
- Good personality
- Able to workhard under pressure
- Dicipline and highly motivation
- Familiar with microsoft office
Should you meet the abo-e requirements, please submit your detailed C-, expected salary, current photograph quoting the code of “Executi-e Secretary” on your email subject:
cc: or .

Lowongan Kerja IT di PT Penta Pilar Integrasi - Jakarta Timur

Kami adalah software house yang sedang berkembang pesat dan
berlokasi di Jakarta Timur membutuhkan dengan segera dengan
kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
A. Solution Architect (SA)
- Pria/Wanita, max 30 thn, Creative & Inovative
- Pengalaman min 2 thn sbg Solution Analys/Solution Architect
- Bertanggung jawab terhadap design software aplikasi yang sesuai
kebutuhan customer
- Membuat sistem, software arsitektur & test plan dokumen
- Berpengalaman dengan MySQL dan Visual Basic/VB. Net
- Mampu melakukan presentasi/power point
- Sanggup bekerja di bawah tekanan deadline
- Dapat segera bergabung
B. Web Programer (WEB)
- Pria/Wanita, max 30 thn, Creative & Inovative
- Pengalaman min 2 thn di Web & Multimedia
- Web programming seperti HTML, XML, ASP, Javascript, Coldfusion
- Desain dan animasi software Photoshop, Macromedia Flash,
- Menguasai MySQL, Web Server Apache and IIS.
- Sanggup bekerja di bawah tekanan deadline
- Dapat segera bergabung
C. .NET Software Developer (NET)
- Pria/Wanita, max 27 thn,
- Pengalaman min 1 thn dalam membuat software menggunakan .Net
framework dengan aplikasi databse
- Handal dalam programming (logika dan praktek)
- Cepat belajar hal baru.
- Sanggup bekerja di bawah tekanan deadline
- Dapat segera bergabung
D. Visual Basic Programmer (VB)
- Pria/Wanita, max 27 thn, Creative & Inovative
- Pengalaman min 2 tahun dalam membuat aplikasi menggunakan VB
dengan database MySQL
- Handal dalam programming (logika dan praktek)
- Cepat belajar hal baru.
- Sanggup bekerja di bawah tekanan deadline
- Dapat segera bergabung
Kirimkan lamaran anda (cv & foto terbaru) dalam bentuk file .doc dan
Screenshot program hasil karya sendiri, dg mencantumkan kode posisi,
ke email :
atau kirim ke
PT. Penta Pilar Integrasi
Gedung Linggarjati
Jl. Kayu Putih II/7
Jakarta 13260 .

Lowongan Kerja Recruitment & Development Senior Officer di PT Air Liquide Indonesia

Air Liquide, founded in 1902 in France, is the global leader in
Industrial, specialty and medical gasses. Our group employs near 37,000
people and presents in 72 countries. We provide technology and
service-based solutions to meet the comprehensive needs of our customers
from all industrial sectors.
In Indonesia, we employ around 200 people and operates plants in
Cibitung and Cilegon. We now have immediate opportunities for the right
candidates to contribute to the diversity of our business and a career
with an international company.
For more information please visit us at

to be placed in MM2100 Cibitung
* S1 graduates majoring Psychology, Management, or Industrial
* 5 years of experience in recruitment and development; both people
as well as organization development.
* Mature, confident, highly motivated, accurate, good communication
& interpersonal skills
* Fluency in written and speaking English and computer literate
Interested candidates should apply with full resume in English and a
recent photo to:
Air Liquide Indonesia
Attention: Human Resources Department
Email: .

Lowongan Kerja di Bandung (revisi)

Perusahan FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) kantor cabang Bandung memerlukan beberapa orang untuk posisi sebagai berikut: (Penempatan Bandung)

District Manager Traditional Outlet:
- Usia max. 35 tahun, pria/wanita, pendidikan min. S1
- Pengalaman min. 3 tahun di FMCG sbg. Supervisor atau
- 1 tahun sbg. District/Area Manager
- Memiliki SIM A
- English active/passive
- Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas
- Dapat bekerja dalam team dengan system target dan dibawah tekanan
- Lancar mengoperasikan computer Ms.Office (min. Word & Excel)
- Domisili Bandung
- Menguasai outlet Traditional Bandung dan Jawa Barat

Sales Administrasi staff:
- Usia max. 30 tahun, pria/wanita, pendidikan min D3
- Pengalaman min. 1 tahun di bidang FMCG
- Lancar mengoperasikan computer Ms.Office (min. Word & Excel)
- Lebih disukai yang mengerti SAP
- Domisili Bandung
Bagi peminat harap mengirimkan lamarannya via
atau kirim lamaran ke alamat:
Jl. Cibolerang No. 203 Kav. 10-12, Bandung 40224
Harap melampirkan foto terbaru (diutamakan yang melampirkan foto) dan hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut diatas yang akan diproses. .

Lowongan Kerja di Shipping Company - PT Trada

Maintenance & Repair Supervisor (MR Spv)
Responsible for ensuring the vessel is ready in operational condition. Also responsible for optimize technical condition of the vessel operation and authorize to handle ship technical matters, maintenance of the ship and to make less downtime of the ship.
- Min D3 from major in technical with at least 3 years working experience as Chief Engineer / Surveyor
- Strong knowledge in vessel’s machinery
- Good English & PC literature
- Strong personality
- Should be posses Certificate as STCW required

Port Engineer (PE)
Responsible for monitoring the performance off all ship operated by company and assist the maintenance in case of urgent condition at ship.
- At least 3 years working experience as Port Engineer
- Strong knowledge in vessel’s machinery
- Good English & PC literature
- Should be posses Certificate as STCW required

Procurement & Logistic Supervisor (PL Spv)
- Min. S1 with 3 years experience in machinery purchasing especially for marine & tanker equipment
- Having good relation with domestic and overseas vendors
- Understand the procedure of materials import
- Good English & Computer literate
If you believe you are suitable for the above position, please submit your resume & supporting document (please note of job code at the subject of your email), addressed to:
Email : .

Lowongan Kerja Programmer di Denpasar, Bali

Surya Dewata Software, sebuah bidang usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang Software House dan berada di Denpasar, Bali
Mencari :
Programer VB Junior
-Menguasai bahasa Pemrograman Visual Basic
-Min. D2 Informatika
-Usia max 27 th
-Kirim SEGERA CV ke email :

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di TransTV

Trans TV pada saat ini sedang membutuhkan karyawan untuk beberapa posisi di bawah ini
Account Executive/AE-1
-Minimum formal education is Sarjana (Bachelor’s) degree
-Maximum age is 28 years
-Strong willed
-Strong motivation to work hard
-Can endure demanding tasks
-has good communication and interaction skills

-Minimum formal education is DIII degree
-Candidates who have work experience are encouraged to apply particularly in Production house or in TV.
-Maximum of age is 28 years
-Energetic, innovative, and creative
-has the ability to work under pressure

-Maximum of age is 28 years
-Candidates who have work experience as an Editor in a production house or TV station will be prioritized
-Minimum formal education is D III degree, preferably from broadcast or multimedia background
-Should be willing to work in shift
-Can endure demanding tasks

Commercial Traffic/CTR-1
-Maximum age is 28 years
-Minimum formal education is D III degree
-Has the ability to use computer application particularly
-Likes to work in details
-Can endure demanding tasks

Program Operations/On Air Presentation /OAP-1
-Minimum formal education is DIII degree
-Maximum of age is 28 years
-Has the ability to use computer application particularly
-Likes to work in details
-Can endure demanding tasks

Finance & Accounting Staff/FIN-1
-Minimum formal education is Sarjana (Bachelor’s) degree preferably from accounting
-Maximum age is 28 years
-Strong willed
-Strong motivation to work hard
-Can endure demanding tasks

Any Position/ FG-1
-Fresh graduates from reputable universities with minimum GPA of 2.8
-Maximum age is 25 years
-Strong willed
-Strong motivation to work hard
-Can endure demanding tasks
-Good apperance.
-Creative & Dinamic

Please submit your CV, photographs and all supported documents with code number not later than:
February 15, 2008

To: Human Capital Division
PT Televisi Transformasi Indonesia (Trans TV)
Attention : Anastasia
Phone: 79177000, ext 4921
Or via our email address: .

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lowongan Kerja di Malang - Jawa Timur

Dibutuhkan 1 orang Manager Produksi di perusahaan software, syarat:
1. Muslim / muslimah
2. Berpengalaman sebagai manager produksi (bidang IT lebih disukai)
3. Bersedia tinggal di Malang.
Dibutuhkan beberapa programmer, syarat
1. Muslim / muslimah
2. Berpengalaman di bidang IT
3. Bersedia tinggal di Malang.
Surat lamaran bisa via e-mail atau fax dan keterangan lebih lengkap hubungi:
Rahma / Nugroho
Jl. Danau Sentani Raya E3F/ 26 Malang 65138, Jawa Timur
PHONE: +62341-7078123, 713481, 712789
FAX. +62341-713481
Test tanggal 9 Februari 2008 jam 08.00 di Malang .

Lowongan Kerja IT Staff di PT Alun Alun Indonesia - Nusa Dua, Bali

Sebuah Persh. Retail yang sedang berkembang,saat ini sedang
membutuhkan 3 orang Staff IT yang handal untuk di tempatkan di Nusa
Dua Bali.
Dengan Kualifikasin sbb :
1. Mengerti dan Memahami Ms.SQL Server 2000/2005
2. Mampu Instalasi Jaringan (LAN)
3. Troubleshoot terhadap PC,Printer,dan Peripheral lainnya,serta
Windows XP/Vista.
4. Usia Max : 28 th.
5. IPK Min 2,75.
6. Min D3
7. Bahasa Inggris Min Passive.
8. Jujur dan mempunyai keinginan belajar yang tinggi
Bila Anda memenuhi kriteria di Atas silahkan kirimkan CV Anda ke:
paling lambat 13 Feb 2008. .

Lowongan Kerja Group Health Admin Staff di PT Commonwealth Life

Commonwealth Life was established on 1992 under name Astra Jardine CMG Life which then became Astra CMG Life in 1997. The name of PT Commonwealth Life was introduced in July 2007. Today the shares of Commonwealth Life are owned 80% by Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) and 20% by PT Gala Arta Jaya. CBA is one of Australia’s foremost financial services companies, and its major life insurance brands are each the biggest life insurers in their respective countries. Commonwealth Life has a presence in more than 15 major cities/towns throughout Indonesia and is represented by in excess of 3,400 agents who service more than 800,000 customers - either individual or group - across the country.
We already attracted and developed some of the most talented people with high level of professional ability, integrity, accountability, teamwork, and innovation. To strengthen the existing management team, we seek to hire several ambitious and career minded professional as:
Job Description:
1. Filing
2. Sort medical cards
3. Assist Group Health Admin Coordinator
4. Correspondent with clients
Requirements & Qualification:
- Bachelor degree
- Having min 1 year experience in related fields (especially in Group Health)
- Female, good looking
- Good communication in English, both oral & written
- Good communication skill
- Able to manage administrative work
- Computer literate
- Responsible, Discipline, Honest
- Creative
- Proactive
All applications will be kept strictly confidential, and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Please apply by email only by sending detailed and comprehensive Resume / Curriculum Vitae in Word format only, with recent photograph, current salary/ benefits, complete address, telephone number and private email address, in English as soon as possible.
Put the name of the position in the e-mail subject (if not, your e-mail will be rejected by auto filter).
Please apply to:
HRD Dept .

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di PT LG Innotek Indonesia - Cikarang, Bekasi

As the largest and export oriented TV Tuner & electronics components manufacturer which has been implementing six sigma and located at Cikarang, Bekasi, LG Innotek Indonesia,co., Ltd would like to invite you to join us as a part of our winning team as:
1. Training and Development Staff (code : ENG-ST)
Vocational Requirement:
- Male / Female
- Bachelor degree from Psychology, Management or Industrial Engineering
2. Purchasing Staff (code : PCH-ST)
Vocational Requirement:
- Male
- Bachelor degree from Industrial, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering
- Fluent in Korean or Mandarin Language
3. Marketing Staff ( code : MKT-ST )
Vocational Requirement:
- Male / Female
- Bachelor degree from any background
- Be able to speak and written Chinese
4. PPC Staff ( code : PPC-ST)
Vocational Requirement:
- Male
- Bachelor degree from Industrial Engineering
5. R&D Engineer ( code: R&D-ENG )
Vocational Requirement:
- Male
- Bachelor degree from Mechanical, Electrical or Electronic Engineering
6. Accounting Staff ( code: ACC-ST )
Vocational Requirement:
- Male / Female
- Bachelor degree from Accounting and Financial Management
General Requirement :
- GPA min.3.00 (scale 4)
- Age max.27 years old
- 0-1 year experiences
- Active and communicative in English
- Willing be placed in Cikarang, Bekasi West Java
If you meet our requirement above please send us your application letter and your latest CV and photo before Friday, February 15th, 2008
To email :
cc email :
with maximum 200 KB size on .doc or .pdf format or
To Address: Bekasi International Industrial Estate Block C8 No. 12&12A
Lemahabang, Bekasi Timur 17550 Jawa Barat
Name the position code on subject column on your email or on your envelope and please mention your current and expected salary.
Only short listed candidate would be process.
Please call us or visit our website for further information,
or phone at 021-8990 6619-20 ext 130. .

Job Vacancy at Kodeco

Our company is a multinational operator of Production Sharing Contract in
Indonesia, in the business of oil and natural gas exploration and
exploitation. In line with our expansion plan, we are currently seeking
candidates to fill the following positions under third party contract:

Main job & responsibility: Responsible for the coordination and day-to-day
control of Personnel Services and Industrial Relations, ensuring full
compliance with Company Policy and Government Regulations

Requirement :

- Bachelor Degree in Law, Management, Business Administration or
related Social Science Discipline.
- Min. 5-7 years experience in Industrial Relation, Personnel
Services, or HR Related Matters, preferably in Oil & Gas Operations, with
supervisory position
- Good computer skill (related application / software)
- Good English skill (verbal & writing)
- Excellent Communication and Relationship skill


Main job & responsibility : Responsible for the coordination and
day-to-day activities of external relation for the Company and supervises
the function of general services at Jakarta office, including support
services, land transportation, and security.

Requirement :

- Bachelor Degree in Social Science / Engineering
- Min. 8-10 years experience in Government Relation / Community
Relation & Development, with some supervisory position, preferebly in
O&G industry
- Excellent communication & relationship skill, Negotiation skill
- Good Computer Skill (related application / software)
- Good English skill (verbal & writing)

Interested applicants are invited to forward their comprehensive resumes,
copy of transcript immediately email:

Confidentially is guaranteed. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

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